Patch note 0.72

Patch Notes 0.72

We are pleased to announce the release of Update 0.72, featuring significant new functionalities and enhancements:

- Picture Upload Feature
Users can now create albums and upload pictures, with the ability to receive likes. Currently, the upload limit is set at 200MB per user. While we recognize this limit may be modest, we are actively working on upgrading our server infrastructure to support larger capacities in the future.

- Album Creation
You now have the capability to organize your photos into albums. These albums can be easily shared with friends or posted on forums.

- Enhanced Picture Security
We have introduced advanced security measures for photo sharing. Users can now share pictures anonymously with password protection, ensuring that only those with the password can access the images. Furthermore, all pictures are encrypted on our servers, ensuring that even we, as the service provider, cannot access them.

- Additional Updates and Fixes:

Online and offline status indicators have been implemented.
Options to hide or publish your trees have been added.
The "Manage Your Notes" page now includes a view count feature.
The "Manage Your Linktree" page now displays the creation date.
Mobile menu functionality has been corrected.
Desktop menu issues have been resolved.
Night theme compatibility has been improved.

We appreciate your ongoing support and look forward to bringing you more updates in the future.
Posted on Saturday 10 August 2024 at 10:43 by OnliLife